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《Sex-Education》, Maurice A. Bigelow
《Sex Education》, Wile, Ira S. (IraSolomon)


Sex education

Masturbation is almost a universal habit at this age. It is in a sense the expression of a normal curiosity as to the function of the genital organs. The spirit of investigation
gives rise to the initial experience and it is not an evidence of degeneracy or inherent viciousness. The continuance of this practice depends upon the strength of the boy's
will and his understanding that self-abuse is a potent factor in destroying his physical,mental, and moral comfort. To pass from self-abuse to the abuse of one of the
feminine sex is a short step when the pressure of the gang is behind the boy and there is no guiding hand to restrain him. It is regrettable that there are fathers who
at this serious time of indecision feel impelled to tell the boy that sexual intercourse is necessary to his well-being.

Such advice is as pernicious as untrue. The American Medical Association representing the consensus of medical opinion in the United States, has repeatedly
by resolution repudiated the false doctrine that sexual continence is incompatible with health. The father who counsels his son to worship at the shrine of Venus is
assuming a tremendous responsibility for the physical welfare of his boy. He is a greater source of danger to his son and to the community than the timid parent who
does not dare to broach the subject to his child whom he regards most innocent. Oh, the blindness of fathers who do not recall their own boyhood and the extent of their
sex information after the age of thirteen years! As a caution to such men, let it be remembered that ignorance and innocence are not equivalents. The boys of the
cities are for the most part wise in their ignorance before puberty is well under way. Masturbation requires personal attention more during the last years of this age
of chivalry than at any other time. It is the opportunity of preventing the habit that presents itself. Younger boys learn the practice from older boys and loose
companionships at puberty are dangerous. Guidance against this practice may well be anticipatory. By calling attention to the necessity of caring for the genital organs
so as to preserve their health, by encouraging general ideals of cleanliness much may be accomplished. The damage of this solitary vice is visited upon the nervous system
and the psychic centers. The warnings coupled with threats of physical punishment are of little avail. Appeals to self-restraint, self-respect and on the grounds of healthare of far greater value. Calling upon pride, ambition and manliness has more potential power where there is added thereto an intelligent discussion of the interrelation of the general health of the body and the health of all its parts. To cause children to realize that the accomplishment of their desires and ideals depends upon their freedom from selfhandling gives an impetus to self-control that is
otherwise lacking. Some precocious youths secure additional strength in the idea that their potential paternity may be sacrificed through the stimulation of their
sexual selves at this period of immaturity.

While the above refers to the psychical effect of youthful errors, young men should learn that there is also a physical side to the same problem. Eminent
physicians assert that many men have completely and permanently destroyed their sexual functions by extensive dissipations, either by masturbation or by natural
relations ; and that very many more have injured themselves so that perfection of the physical basis of love and marriage is impossible.

The Problem of Self-control for Young Men

The problem of control of the insistent passions of normal young men has been unscientifically minimized by numerous writers and lecturers. It should be noted
that many of these are men who have long since forgotten the storms and stresses of their early manhood, and others are women who do not know the facts indicating
that the sexual instincts of young men are characteristically active, aggressive,spontaneous, and automatic, while those of women as a rule are passive and subject
to awakening by external stimuli, especially in connection with affection. Such forgetful men and uninformed women are prone to regard the lack of control of
many young men as simply due to “original sin,”“innate viciousness,”“bad companions,” or “irresistible temptations”; and they overlook the great fact that
maintaining perfect sexual control in his pre-marital years is for the average healthy young man a problem compared with which all others, including the alcoholic
temptation, are of little significance. Such being the truth about young men, nothing is to be gained and much is to be lost if older people fail to take an understanding
and sympathetic attitude. I question whether any young man has ever been helped through his adolescent crises by such oft-repeated assertions as that “there is no
more reason that a young man should go astray than that his sister should,” or, in other words, that “continence is as easy for a young man as for a girl of similar age.”
An observing young man will doubt such statements, and if he has had access to scientific information, he will feel sure that there has been an attempt to influence
him by the kind of exaggeration commonly adopted by specialists in moral preachments. The plain truth is that there is a physiological “reason” or explanation,
although not a justification for failure of self-control. Even if we accept the improbable statement of some writers that boys and girls are in early adolescence
potentially equal in sexual instincts and assuming that they may be protected equallyagainst vicious habits, we must not forget that every normal boy passes in early
puberty through peculiar physiological changes that arouse his deepest instincts. I refer especially to the frequent occurrence of involuntary sexual tumescence and to
the occasional nocturnal emissions, which processes leave the boy in no doubt whatever as to the nature, source, and desirability of sexual pleasure. Especially is
this true of the automatic emissions that usually follow continence of healthy young men, for in connection with such relief of seminal pressure every nerve center of the
sexual mechanism seems to be involved in the culminating nerve storm of which the awakening individual is often quite pleasurably conscious. In short, as men looking
backward to their early manhood well understand, the physical sensations that come into the normal sexual experience of the adolescent boy are different only in degree
of intensity from those which later are concomitants of sexual union. Such, in brief, is the physiological history of the normal adolescent boy, and one who has fallen into
even most limited masturbation will probably be still more conscious of the fact that the ordinary sequence of events in the activity of the sexual organs leads to intense
excitement that has almost irresistible attractiveness.

Now, most scientifically-trained women seem to agree that there are no corresponding phenomena in the early pubertal life of the normal young woman
who has good health. A limited number of mature women, some of them physicians,report having experienced in the pubertal years localized tumesscence and other
disturbances which made them definitely conscious of sexual instincts. However, it should be noted that most of these are known to have had a personal history
including one or more such abnormalities as dysmenorrhea, uterine displacement, pathological ovaries, leucorrhea, tuberculosis, masturbation, neurasthenia,
nymphomania, or other disturbances which are sufficient to account for local sexual stimulation. In short, such women are not normal. Such facts have led many
physicians to the generalization that the average healthy adolescent girl does not undergo normal spontaneous changes which make her definitely conscious of the
nature, source, and desirability of localized sexual pleasure. On the contrary, such consciousness commonly comes to many only as the result of stimuli arising in
connection with affection. Clearly it is nonsense to claim that the sexual temptations arising within the individual are equal for the two sexes. Potentially, girls may have
passions as strong as boys, but they do not become so definitely and spontaneously conscious of their latent instincts.

In the opinion of some physiologists the greatest harm done to the individual who has long been a victim of masturbation is in the centering of the attention on
imaginary sexual situations. This is especially true of mental masturbation. Hence,the relation of masturbation to the possible establishment of a disordered mental
state should be known by adolescent boys and young men.




在这个年龄段, 手淫几乎是一种普遍习惯。从某种意义上说,这表现了对生殖器官功能的好奇心。 探究的精神使他们有了对手淫的最初体验,手淫并不是堕
落或邪恶的表现。手淫是否持续取决于男孩的意志力及其对手淫的理解,即手淫有损自己的身体和精神。来自同辈的压力且没有人指导他、约束他时, 手淫很容
易进一步发展成对女性的虐待。很遗憾,在这样的重要时期, 有些父亲会告诉优柔寡断的男孩,性交是种美好体验。

这种建议既不健康也不正确。 美国医学会代表美国医学界的共识,通过决议一再否定禁欲与健康不相关的错误说法。劝导自己儿子去神社做祭拜的父亲对儿
父亲 13 岁以后便不再回忆自己的童年时期及掌握的性知识,这种父亲太无知!要对这些人做些警告,让他们记住无知并不等同于纯真。青春期之前,大部分城

在激情阶段的最后几年里, 手淫比任何时候都需要更多的个人关注。这是一个防止手淫习惯的好时机。年轻的男孩们从年长的男孩身上学习这种行为,但在
青春期,独处很危险。为预防这种行为,需提前进行引导。引导方式有:让人们注意到有必要保护生殖器官,以保持健康;提高大众的清洁意识。 这种独处的恶
习能对神经精神系统造成危害。警告再加体罚威胁收效胜微。提倡自我克制、自我尊重及为健康着想更有意义。 倡导自尊、雄心壮志和男子气概有着更大的潜在



与情感有关的刺激。 如此健忘的男人和无知的女人倾向于认为,很多年轻男人缺乏自控仅仅是由于“原罪”、 “天生邪恶”、 “坏朋友”或“不可抗拒的诱惑”; 但他
们忽视了一个重要的事实:对健康男青年来说,在婚前保持完美的性自控的确是一个问题,而包括酒精诱惑在内的其他问题, 则问题不大。这就是男青年的处
因为“一个年轻人没有理由像他的妹妹那样误入歧途, ”或者换句话说, 对于一个年轻的男人来说,自制与同龄女孩一样容易。一个观察力敏锐的年轻人会怀疑这
种说法,但如果他能够接触到科学信息,他就会确信,真的有人试图通过专家在道德说教中普遍采用的那种夸张手法来影响他。 显而易见的事实是,确实有一
个生理上的“原因”或解释, 即便这并不是自制失败的正当理由。 有些作家认为,在青春期早期,男孩和女孩在性本能上几乎是平等的,受到的保护也是相同的,
生的无意识性勃起及偶尔发生的夜间遗精,这些过程让男孩完全了解性快感的本质、来源和吸引力。健康的男青年自我克制后,尤其会发生自动遗精的现象, 因
为这与精液释放有关。性机制的每一个神经中枢似乎都参与到最终的性快感之中,被唤醒的人通常都非常愉悦。 简而言之,当男人回顾他们成年早期时,他们会

肺结核、 手淫、神经衰弱、花痴或其他足以引起局部性刺激的干扰。总之,这些女性是有问题的。这些事实已使很多医生得出一个结论:一个健康的少女并不经

在一些生理学家看来,对手淫长期受害者所造成的最大伤害在于对假想性处境的过度关注。 尤其是意淫。 因此,青少年和年轻人应该了解手淫和其可能造成的精神状态紊乱之间的关系


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下一篇:醫苑雜談 一三〇 《同是泻药》与“止后服”
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