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abscess of kidney 肾脓肿
acoustic 听神经瘤
acute pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎
analog 模拟
analog/digital converter 模拟/数字转化器
angiography of spinal cord 脊髓血管造影
angioma 血管瘤
angiomyolipoma 血管平滑肌脂肪瘤
anterior cerebral artery,ACA 大脑前动脉
anterior communicating artery,AcoA 前交通动脉
arachnoidcyst 蛛网膜囊肿
arterior-venous malformation,AVM 动静脉畸形
artifact 伪影
astrocytoma 星形细胞瘤
atelectasis 肺不张
attenuation 衰减
attenuation coefficient 衰减系数
axial scan 轴位扫描
B basilar artery,BA 基底动脉
Beam hardening artifact 射线硬化伪影
biopsy gun 活检枪
biopsy needle 活检针
biphasic contrast enhancement 双期增强扫描
bone mineral density,BMD 骨密度
brain abscess 脑脓肿
brain hemorrhage 脑出血
brain trauma 脑外伤
bronchiectsis 支气管扩张
bronchogenic carcinoma 支气管肺癌
calcification of the pleura 胸膜钙化
calculus of kidney 肾结石
carcinoma of bladder 膀胱癌
carcinoma of the cervix 宫颈癌
carcinoma of kidney 肾癌
carcinoma of prostate 前列腺癌
carcinoma of ovary 卵巢癌
cavity 空洞
central bronchogenic carcinoma 中央型肺癌
cerebral atrophy 脑萎缩
cerebral contusion 脑搓伤
cerebral infarction 脑梗塞
cerebral ischemia 脑缺血
cerebral cycticercosis 脑囊虫病
cholesteatoma 胆脂瘤
cholangiocarcinoma 胆管癌
cholecystitis 胆囊炎
chronic pancreatitis 慢性胰腺炎
circle of willis 脑底动脉环
cirrhosis 肝硬化
collimator 准直器
console 控制台
contrast medium 对比剂
contrast enhancement 对比增强
contrast media bolus 造影剂团注
contusion of kidney 肾挫伤
contusion of spinal cord 脊髓挫伤
coronal scan 冠状面扫描
craniopharyngioma 颅咽管瘤
CT angiography,CTA CT血管造影术
CT arterial portography,CTAP CT动脉性门脉造影
CT fluoroscopy CT透视
CT guided needle biopsy CT导向穿刺活检
CT guided fine needle aspiration biopsy CT导向细针抽吸活组织检查
CT guided stereotaxis CT导向立体定位
CT intervention CT介入
CT muelography,CTM CT脊髓造影
CT value CT值
Cyst of Kinney 肾囊肿
delayed scan 延迟扫描
density resolution 密度分辨率
digital martrix 数字矩阵
dynamic scanning 动态扫描
enhancement scan 增强扫描
ependymoma 室管膜瘤
epidural hematoma 硬膜外血肿
fatty liver 脂肪肝
field of view,FOV 视野
FWHM 有效层厚
gallbladder carcinoma 胆囊癌
gallstone 胆石症
golima 胶质瘤
Graves’ disease 格氏眼病
hepatic cyst 肝囊肿
hepatocellular 肝细胞癌
high KV radiography 高千伏摄影
high resolution CT,HRCT 高分辨率CT
high spatial-freqyency algorithm 高空间频率计算法重建
hypaque 泛影钠
image post-processing 图象后处理
image reconstruction 图象重建
informatics in radiology,infoRAD 信息放射学
interventional radiology 介入放射学
iodipamide/biligrafin/cholografin 胆影葡胺
iohexol 碘苯六醇(欧乃派克)
iopromide 碘普罗胺
isovist 伊索显
laser printer 激光打印机
matrix 矩阵
maximum intensity projection,MIP 最大强度投影
medulloblastoma 髓母细胞瘤
meningioma 黑色素瘤
motion artifact 运动伪影
multiformat camera 多幅相机
multiplanar reformation,MPR 多平面重建
multiple sclerosis 多发性肝硬化
neurofibroma 神经纤维瘤
noise 噪声
orbitomeatal line 听眶线
overlap scan 重叠扫描
partial volume effect 部分容积效应
peripheral space phenomenon 周围间隙现象
picture achieve and communication system,PACS 图象存储和传输系统
pitch 螺距
pixel 像素
plain scan 平扫
pleural effusion 胸腔积液
posterior cerebral artery,PCA 大脑后动脉
preventive maintenace 日常维护程序
protrusion of intervertebral disk 椎间盘突出
quantitative computed tomography,QCT 定量CT
region of interest 兴趣区
retinoblastoma 视网膜母细胞瘤
scout view 定位扫描
slice increment 间距
slice thickness 层厚
spatial resolution 空间分辨率
spinal srenosis 椎管狭窄
spiral CT/helical CT 螺旋CT
subdural hematoma 硬膜下血肿
teleradiology 远程放射学
temporal resolution 时间分辨率
thin slice scan 薄层扫描
three dimension computed tomography,3 DCT 三维CT
three-dimensional surface reconstrction,SSD 三维表面重建
threshold 阈值
tomography 体层摄影
tuberculosis 肺结核
ultrafast CT,UFCT 超高速CT
ultravist 优维显
urografin 泛影葡胺
vertebral artery,VA 椎动脉
virtual endoscopy,VE 仿真内镜
volume acquisition 容积采集
volume scan 容积扫描
voxel matrix 像素矩阵
window level 窗位
window width 窗宽
work station 工作站
Xeroradiography 干板照相
X-ray tube X线球管
Xenon,Xe 氙气
anterior pararenal space 肾旁前间隙
aortopulmonary window level 主肺动脉窗层面
bone window 骨窗
CT angiography, CTA CT血管造影
density resolution 密度分辨力
distal of the aortic arch level 主动脉弓上层面
dural sac 硬膜囊
dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging 动脉增强扫描
electron beam CT, EBCT 电子束CT
fluid-fluid level 液-液平面
four-chamber level “四腔心”层面
higt resolution CT, HRCT 高分辨力CT
Hounsfield Unit HU
intra/extra-capsular ligaments 囊内外韧带
lateroconal fascia 侧锥筋膜
left atrial level 左心房层面
pericardial defect 心包缺损
pericardial neoplasm 心包新生物
pericardial effusions 心包渗出
pericardial thickening and calaification 心包增厚和钙化
pericardium 心包
perirenal space 肾周间隙
posterior pararenal space 肾旁后间隙
pulmonary artery level 主肺动脉层面
soft-tissue window 软组织窗
spatial resolution 空间分辨力
spiral CT 螺旋CT
aortic arch level 主动脉弓层面
ventricle level 心室层面

上肢MRA  Upper Extremities MRA
下肢MRA  Lower Extremities MRA
心脏大血管造影  Heart MR Angiography
胸主动脉造影  T-Artery MR Angiography
腹主动脉造影  Abd-Artery MR Angiography
头部血管造影  Head MR Angiography
颈部血管造影  Head MR Angiography
盆腔血管造影  Pelvis MR Angiography
下腔静脉MRA  Portal Vein MRA
ultrasound 超声
ultrasonography 超声成像
gray scale 灰阶
real time imaging 实时成像
B-mode ultrasound B型超声
color Doppler ultrasound 彩色多普勒超声
sonogram (echogram) 省像图
probe 探头
acoustic shadowing 声影

angiography 血管造影
digital subtration angiography (DSA) 数字减影血管造影
digital radiography (DR) 数字X线摄影
intraarterial DSA (IADSA) 动脉DSA
intravenous DSA (IVDSA) 静脉DSA

Interventional radiology 介入放射学
Vascular interventional radiology 血管性介入放射学
transcatheter embolization(TAE) 栓塞术
emboliaztion agents 栓塞剂
gelfoam 明胶海绵
Ivalon 聚乙烯醇
spring coil 弹簧圈
detachable ballon 可脱球囊
Seldinger technique 经股动脉穿刺术
percutaneoius transluminal angioplasty(PTA) 经皮血管腔内成形术
laster angioplasty 激光血管成形术
atherectomy 粥样斑块切除术
ultrasonic angioplasty 超声血管成形术
metalic stent 金属内支架
endovascular stent 血管内支架
restenosis 再狭窄
percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty 经皮球囊二尖瓣成形术
percutaneous balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty 经皮球囊肺动脉瓣成形术
thrombolysis 血栓溶解
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (Tipss) 经颈静脉肝内门-体静脉分流术
nonvascular interventional radiology 非血管性介入放射学
percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) 经皮经肝胆道造影
percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage (PTCD) 经皮经肝胆道引流术
needle puncture biopsy 针刺活检
percutaneous pyelostomy 经皮肾盂造瘘术

常规位置:standard views;
补充位置:supplementary views;
前后位 AP,anteroposterior;
后前位 PA,posteroanterior;
侧位 lateral;
斜位 oblique;
轴位 axial;
切线位 tangential;
眼眶 orbit
鼻窦后前23°位、华氏位、顶颏位 occipitomental,Waters;
眼眶后前37°位、柯氏位、鼻颌位、枕额位 occipitofrontal,Caldwell;
视神经孔后前位,瑞氏位 Rhese;
颞骨 temporal bone
15°侧位,劳氏位 Law;
25°侧位,许氏位 Schuller;
35°侧位,伦氏位 Runstrom;
后前(45°)斜位,斯氏位 Stenvers;
(仰卧45°)梅氏位 Mayer;
欧文氏位 Owen;
岩部前后位 AP axial,Towne;
拇指 thumb
拇指前后位 Robert;
手 hand
后前斜位 pronation oblique;
前后斜位 supination oblique,ball-catcher's
腕 wrist
舟骨位 scaphoid;
腕管位 carpal tunnel;
肘 elbow
小头位 capitellum,
鹰嘴位 olecranon;
髋 hip
侧位(蛙形位) frog-leg,
侧位(仰卧水平投照)cross-table lateral,groin lateral;
颈椎 cervical spine
第1、2颈椎前后位,张口位 open-mouth,OMV;
胸部 chest
侧卧位 lateral decubitus,
前凸位(前后位及后前位) apical lordotic;
前弓位 kyphotic;
床旁 portable;
呼气像 expiratory;
高千伏摄影 high kilovoltage radiography;
腹部 abdomen
腹平片 plain abdominal radiograph,abdominal plain film
尿路仰卧前后位,尿路平片:KUB,plain film of kidney,ureters,bladder
(仰卧)前后位 supine abdominal radiograph;
立位 upright abdominal radiograph;
乳腺 breast
钼靶X线摄影:mammogram,molybdenum target radiography;
positive contrast agent (阳性)
negtive contrast agent (阴性)

一、部位 location:
同侧 ipsilateral;对侧 contralateral;患侧 affected side;健侧 intact side;近侧 proximal side;远侧 distal side;
移位 deviation,shift,displacement;无移位 nondisplaced;抬高 elevation;下降 descent,fall;
邻接 abutting,next to,secondary to;
  二、范围 extent:
局限 localized,regional;弥散 diffuse;
  三、分布 distribution:
单侧 unilateral;双侧 bilateral,(in)both(lung fields);对称 symmetric;不对称 asymmetric;孤立 solitary;散在 scattered;融合 confluence(confluent);中心性 central;偏心性 eccentric;周围的 periphery,peripheral;主要 predominantly,primarily;in a segmental or lobar distribution;(sth) on the left;in the left lower zone;稀疏;集中;
  四、数目 number:
单发 solitary,single;多发 multiple;
增多 increase;减少 decrease;消失 disappear;
五、大小 size:
大 large;小 small;
扩大 enlarge/enlargement;扩张 dilatation;膨胀 distention;缩小 shrink;体积缩小 loss of volume;狭窄 stenosis,narrowing;闭塞 occlusion,obliteration,emphraxis;
生长速率 rate of growth;倍增时间 doubling time;
直径小于3厘米 less than 3cm in diameter;不超过1厘米 (small nodules)10 mm or less in size;直径增长25% 25% increase in diameter;体积增大一倍 doubling of volume;
大小不同的 of varying sizes;
六、形状 shape,morphology:
点状 dot(punctual,punctate);斑点状 mottling,stippled;粟粒状 miliary;结节状 nodular;团块状 mass,masslike;圆形 circular,round,rounded;卵圆形 oval;椭圆形 ellipse;长方形(椭圆形)oblong;分叶状 lobulated;片状 patchy;条索 stripe;线状 linar;网状 reticular;囊状 cystic;弧线形 curvilinear;星状 stellate;纠集 crowding,converging;舟状 boat-shaped,navicular,scaphoid;哑铃状 dumb-bell;不规则形 irregular;
细致 fine;粗糙 coarse;
变形 deformity;增粗、增厚 thicken;变细、变薄 thinning;变平 flattened;
  七、边缘 border,margin(marginated),rim,edge(edged);轮廓(外形)outline,contour;
光滑 (smooth); 清晰,锐利(sharp,well-defined,well-circumscribed,clear,distinct);
模糊 hazy,indistinct,blurred,ill-defined,obscured,silhouette out (sth);不规则 irregular;毛刺状、针状 spiculated;分叶的 lobulated,multilobulated;
密度 density(dense),densitometry,attenuation(X线成像):
透亮 lucency(lucent),transparent;
病灶 lesion:阴影 shadow;不透光 haziness,opacification,opacity,opaque;致密 density(dense);
低密度 hypodense,low density;高密度 hyperdense,high density;混杂密度 mixed density;
solid,subsolid(part solid),ground-glass(nonsolid)
回声 echo(echoic)(超声成像):
* 无回声anecho,弱回声 poor echo,低回声 hypoecho,low level echo;等回声 medium echo,iso-echo,高回声 hyper echo,high level echo,强回声 strong echo;
信号 signal(磁共振成像):
低信号 hypointensity;高信号 hyperintensity;
轻度 mild;slightly;中度 moderately;重度 severe;grossly;
一过性的,短暂的 ephemeral;fleeting;transient;
稳定 stability(stable);
水样密度 watery density
等密度 isodense
均匀密度 homogeneous density
不均匀密度 nonhomogeneous density
等信号 isointensity
混合信号 heterogeneous intensity
信号强度减弱 decreased signal intensity
信号强度增高 increased signal intensity
流空现象 flow empty phenomena
增强 enhancement
静脉团注法 intravenous bolus injection technique
静脉快速滴注法 intravenous rapid infusion
增强扫描 enhancement scan
延迟扫描 delayed scan
动态扫描 dynamic scan
电影扫描 cine scan
增强前 pre-enhancement pre-contrast
增强后 post-enhancement post-contrast
动脉期 arterial phase
微血管期 capillary phase
静脉期 venous phase
延迟期 delayed phase
均匀增强 homogeneous enhancement
不均匀增强 nonhomegeneous enhancement
环状增强 circular enhancement
结节状增强 nodular enhancement
片状增强 patchy enhancement
脑回样增强 gyriform enhancement
边缘增强 rim enhancement
medical imageology 医学影像学
diagnostic radiology 放射诊断学
x-ray diagnosis X线诊断
imaging 影像
contrast 对比
resolution 分辨率
fluoroscopy 荧光透视
radiology 放射摄影
tomography 体层摄影
contrast agents (media) 造影剂
protection from radiation 放射防护
computed tomography (CT) 计算机体层摄影
ct scanner CT扫描仪(CT机)
analog/digital converter 模拟/数字转换器
digital/analog converter 数字/模拟转换器
voxel 体素
pixel 象素
spatial resolution 空间分辨率
density resolution 密度分辨率
Houlsfield unit CT值单位
plain ct scan CT平扫
contrast enhancement ct scan CT增强扫描
convertional CT 常规CT
spiral CT 螺旋CT
ultrafast ct (electric beam CT) 超高速CT(电子束CT)

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 磁共振成像
radio frequency (RF) 射频脉冲
relaxation time 驰豫时间
spin-lattice relaxation time 自旋-晶格(即纵向)
(longitudinal relaxation time) 驰豫时间,简称T1
spin-Spin(transverse) relaxation time 自旋-自旋(即横向)
spin-echo sequence (SE) 自旋回波序列
echo time 回波时间
repetitiontime 脉冲重复间隔时间(TR)
T1 weighted (T1WI) image T1成像
T2 weighted (T2WI) image T2成像
magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) 磁共振血管成像
flowing void effect 流空效应
Time of flight (TOF) 时间流逝法
phase contrast (PC) 相位对比法
Gadolinium-DTPA (Gd-DTPA) 钆-二乙三胺五醋酸(磁显葡胺)

PACS 图像存档通讯系统

检查名称   英文对照
头颅正侧位  Skull PA & LAT
鼻窦   Sinus PA
左侧乳突   Left Mastoid Process
右侧乳突   Right Mastoid Process
鼻骨侧位   Nasal Bones LAT
颈椎正侧位  C-Spine PA & LAT
颈椎双斜位  C-Spine Dual Oblique
胸椎正侧位  T-Spine PA & LAT
腰椎正侧位  L-Spine PA & LAT
骶尾正侧位  Saccrum/Coccyx AP & LAT
胸部正侧位(成人)  Chest PA & LAT (Adult)
胸部正侧位(儿童)  Chest PA & LAT (Pediatrics)
骨盆(成人)  Pelvis PA (Adult)
骨盆(儿童)  Pelvis PA (Pediatrics)
腹部(成人)  Abdomen ( Adult)
腹部(儿童)  Abdomen (Pediatircs)
左侧肩关节  Left Shoulder Joint
右侧肩关节  Right Shoulder Joint
左侧肱骨正侧位  Left Humerus AP & LAT
右侧肱骨正侧位  Right Humerus AP & LAT
左侧尺桡骨正侧位  Left Forearm AP & LAT
右侧尺桡骨正侧位  Right Forearm AP & LAT
左侧肘关节正侧位  Left Elbow Joint AP & LAT
右侧肘关节正侧位  Right Elbow Joint AP & LAT
左手正斜位  Left Hand AP & Oblique
右手正斜位  Right Hand AP & Oblique
左侧腕关节正侧位  Left Wrist Joint AP & LAT
右侧腕关节正侧位  Right Wrist Joint AP & LAT
双腕关节正位(成人)  Dual Wrist Joint AP (Adult)
双腕关节正位(儿童)  Dual Wrist Joint AP (Pediatrics)
左侧股骨正侧位  Left Femur AP & LAT
右侧股骨正侧位  Right Femur AP & LAT
左侧膝关节正侧位  Left Knee Joint AP & LAT
右侧膝关节正侧位  Right Knee Joint AP & LAT
左侧胫腓骨正侧位  Left Tibia Fibula AP & LAT
右侧胫腓骨正侧位  Right Tibia Fibula AP & LAT
左侧踝关节正侧位  Left Ankle Joint AP & LAT
右侧踝关节正侧位  Right Ankle Joint AP & LAT
左侧足部正侧位  Left Foot AP & LAT
右侧足部正侧位  Right Foot AP & LAT
足跟侧位  Calcaneus LAT
检查方法名称  英文对照
胸部正位  Chest PA
胸部正侧位  Chest PA & LAT
心脏三位片  Heart
胸部斜位  Chest OBL
胸骨侧位  Sternum LAT
胸锁骨关节像  Sternum Calvicle Joint PA
锁骨正位  Calvicle PA
肩关节正位  Shoulder Joint AP
头颅正位  Skull AP
头颅正侧  Skull AP & LAT
颈椎正位  C-spine AP
颈椎张口位  C-spine Open Mouth
颈椎正侧位  C-spine AP & LAT
颈椎正侧双斜位  C-spine AP & LAT & Dual OBL
颈椎六位像  C-spine 6 position
颈椎正侧双斜张口位  C-spine AP & LAT & Dual OBL Open Mouth
颈胸段正侧位  C-T-spine AP & LAT
胸椎正侧  T-spine AP & LAT
胸腰段正侧位  T-L-spine AP & LAT
腰椎正侧位  L-spine AP & LAT
腰椎正侧双斜  L-spine AP & LAT & Dual OBL
腰椎双斜  L-spine Dual OBL
腰椎六位像  L-spine 6 position
腰椎过伸过屈位  L-spine Lordotic Kyphotic Position
腰骶椎正侧位  L-S-spine AP & LAT
骶尾椎正侧位  Saccrum/Coccyx AP & LAT
尾椎侧位像  Coccyx LAT
骶髂关节正位  Sacrum Ilium Joint AP
骶髂关节切线位  Sacrum Ilium Joint Tangential Position
骨盆正位  Pelvis AP
耻骨坐骨正位  Pubis Ischium AP
常规位置:standard views;
补充位置:supplementary views;
前后位 AP,anteroposterior;
后前位 PA,posteroanterior;
侧位 lateral;
斜位 oblique;
轴位 axial;
切线位 tangential;
眼眶 orbit
鼻窦后前23°位、华氏位、顶颏位 occipitomental,Waters;
眼眶后前37°位、柯氏位、鼻颌位、枕额位 occipitofrontal,Caldwell;
视神经孔后前位,瑞氏位 Rhese;
颞骨 temporal bone
15°侧位,劳氏位 Law;
25°侧位,许氏位 Schuller;
35°侧位,伦氏位 Runstrom;
后前(45°)斜位,斯氏位 Stenvers;
(仰卧45°)梅氏位 Mayer;
欧文氏位 Owen;
岩部前后位 AP axial,Towne;
拇指 thumb
拇指前后位 Robert;
手 hand
后前斜位 pronation oblique;
前后斜位 supination oblique,ball-catcher's
腕 wrist
舟骨位 scaphoid;
腕管位 carpal tunnel;
肘 elbow
小头位 capitellum,
鹰嘴位 olecranon;
髋 hip
侧位(蛙形位) frog-leg,
侧位(仰卧水平投照)cross-table lateral,groin lateral;
颈椎 cervical spine
第1、2颈椎前后位,张口位 open-mouth,OMV;
胸部 chest
侧卧位 lateral decubitus,
前凸位(前后位及后前位) apical lordotic;
前弓位 kyphotic;
床旁 portable;
呼气像 expiratory;
高千伏摄影 high kilovoltage radiography;
腹部 abdomen
腹平片 plain abdominal radiograph,abdominal plain film
尿路仰卧前后位,尿路平片:KUB,plain film of kidney,ureters,bladder
(仰卧)前后位 supine abdominal radiograph;
立位 upright abdominal radiograph;
乳腺 breast
钼靶X线摄影:mammogram,molybdenum target radiography;

腹部平片  Abdomen AP
上肢  Upper Extremities
下肢  Lower Extremities
华氏位  Waltz Position
下颌骨正侧位  Mandible PA_LAT
头颅正侧位  Skull PA_LAT
颧弓切线位  Zygomatic
小儿胸片  Chest
膝关节造影  Knee Joint Contrast
肩关节造影  Shoulder Joint Contrast
椎管造影  Spinal Contrast
TMJ造影  TMJ contrast
腮腺造影  Parotid Contrast
静脉肾盂造影  IVP
逆行尿路造影  Contrary Urethral Contrast
子宫造影  Uterus Contrast
T管造影  T-tube Cholangiography
五官造影  Facial Contrast
窦道造影  Contrast Fistulography
瘤腔造影  Tumor Cavity Contrast
异物定位  Orientation
胆系造影  Cholecystography
上消化道造影  Upper Gastrointestinal Contrast
全消化道造影  Full Gastrointestinal Contrast
钡灌肠造影  Barium Contrast of Colon
小肠低张造影  Small Bowel Enema
结肠低张造影  Hypotonic Colon Contrast
食道造影  Contrast Esophagography
acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节
air bronchogram 支气管影像
ankle joint 踝关节
ankylosis of joint 关节强直
arches of foot 足弓
biligrafin 胆影葡胺
bone age 骨龄
bone canaliculi 骨小管
bone cortex 骨皮质
bone deformity 骨骼变形
bone destruction 骨质破坏
bone lacuna 骨陷窝
bone lamella 骨板
bony articular surface 骨关节面
bursa 滑膜囊
calcification 钙化
carpal bones 腕骨
cavity 空洞
chondral calcification 软骨钙化
compact bone and spongy bone 密质骨和松质骨
degeneration of joint 关节退行性变
destruction of joint 关节破坏
diaphysis 骨干
digital subtraction angiography, DSA 数字减影血管造影
dislocation of joint 关节脱位
dual photon absorptiometry, DPA 双光子吸收法
dual X-ray energy absorptiometry, DXA 双能X线吸收法
elbow joint 肘关节
encapsulated effusion 包裹性积液
end plate 终板
epiphyseal line 骨骺线
epiphyseal plate 骨骺板
epiphysis 骨骺
exudation 渗出
fibrotic lesion 纤维性病变
filling defect 充盈缺损
free pleural effusion 游离性胸腔积液
haemosiderosis 含钱血黄素沉着
Hafersian system 哈弗系统
haversian lamella 哈氏骨板
hilar dance 肺门舞蹈
hip joint 髋关节
hydropneumothorax 液气胸
hydroxyapatite crystal 羟基磷灰石结晶
hyperostosis/osteosclerosis 骨质增生硬化
intercondyloid eminence 髁间隆起
interlobar effusion 叶间积液
intermediate lamella 骨间板
internal and external circumfereutial lamella 内、外环骨板
interstitial pulmonary oedema 间质性肺水肿
intervertebral disc 椎间盘
intervertebral foramen 椎间孔
intervertenral space 椎间隙
intra-alveolar pulmonary oedema 肺泡性肺水肿
joint 关节
joint capsule 关节囊
joint cartilage 关节软骨
joint cavity 关节腔
joint space 关节间隙
knee joint 膝关节
lamellar bone 层板骨
left atrial enlargement 左心房增大
left ventricular enlargement 左心室增大
ligament 韧带
localized pleural effusion 局限性胸腔积液
looser zone 假骨折线
mass 肿块
medullary space 骨髓腔
metacarpal bones 掌骨
metaphysis 干骺端
metatarsal bones 跖骨
niche 龛影
obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张
obstructive emphysema 阻塞性肺气肿
oral cholecystography 口服胆囊造影
ossifcation 骨化
ossification centre 骨化中心
osteoblast 成骨细胞
osteoclast 破骨细胞
osteocyte 骨细胞
osteomalacia 骨质软化
osteonecrosis 骨质坏死
osteoporosis 骨质疏松
periosteal proliferation 骨膜增生
periosteal reaction 骨膜反应
periosteum and intermal periosteum 骨膜和骨内膜
phalanges of fingers 指骨
phalanges of toes 趾骨
pleural thickening,adhesion and calaification 胸膜增厚、粘连及钙化
pleural tumor 胸膜肿瘤
pneumothorax 气胸
proliferative lesion 增殖性病变
pulmonary hilar enlargement 肺门增大
pulmonary arterial hypertension 肺动脉高压
pulmonary arterial pleonaemia 肺充血
pulmonary hypertension 肺高压
pulmonary oligaemia 肺少血
pulmonary venous hypertension 肺静脉高压
pulmonary venous pleonaemia 肺淤血
quantitative computed tomography, QCT 定量CT法
right atrial enlargement 右心房增大
right ventricular enlargement 右心室增大
sequestrum 死骨
shoulder joint 肩关节
soft tissue mass 软组织肿胀
soft tissue swelling 软组织肿胀
subpulmonary effusion 肺下积液
swelling of joint 关节肿胀
tarsal bones 跗骨
tibia tuberosity 胫骨粗隆
trabecula 骨小梁
Volkmann canal 福尔克曼管
woven bone 非层板骨
wrist 腕关节
abestosis 石棉肺
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS 艾滋病
actinomycosis 放线菌病
acute military tuberculosis 急性粟粒型肺结核
agenesis and hypoplasia of the lung 肺不发育和肺发育不全
allergic pneumonia 过敏性肺炎
aluminum pneumoconiosis 铝尘肺
amyloidosis of lung 肺淀粉样变性
angiogram sign 血管造影征
anthracosis 炭黑尘肺
aspergillosis 曲菌病
bronchiectasis 支气管扩张
bronchogenic cyst 支气管囊肿
bronchopneumonia 支气管肺炎
broncho-pulmonary sequestration 支气管肺隔离症
butterfly sign 蝶翼征
cement pneumoconiosis 水泥尘肺
chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎
chronic pneumonia 慢性肺炎
coalworker pneumoconiosis 煤工尘肺
congenital bronchial cysts 先天性支气管囊肿
contusion of lung 肺挫伤
cryptococcosis 隐球菌病
cylindrical bronchiectasis 柱状支扩
dermoid cyst 皮样囊肿
diaphragmatic eventeration 膈膨升
diaphragmatic hermia 膈疝
electric welder pneumoconiosis 电焊工尘肺
esophageal cyst 食管囊肿
foreign body of chest 胸部异物
foundry worker pneumoconiosis 铸工尘肺
Goodpasture syndrome 肺-肾综合征
graphite pneumoconiosis 石墨尘肺
halo sign 晕轮征
hamartoma 错构瘤
hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis 血行播散型肺结核(II型)
Hodgkin lymphoma 霍奇金淋巴瘤
Hodgkin disease, HD 霍奇金病
honeycomb lung 蜂窝状肺
hydropneumothorax 液气胸
inflammatory pseudotumor 炎性假瘤
interstitial pneumonia 间质性肺炎
intrathoracic goiter 胸内甲状腺
kaolin pneumoconiosis 陶工尘肺
Kaposi sarcoma 卡波济肉瘤
laceration and hematoma of lung 肺撕裂伤与肺血肿
laceration of trachea and bronchus 气管及支气管裂伤
lipoma 脂肪瘤
lobar pneumonia 大叶性肺炎
Loffler syndroma 吕弗留综合征
lung abscess 肺脓肿
lymphangioma 淋巴管瘤
lymphoma 淋巴瘤
mediastinal emphysema 纵隔气肿
mediastinal hematorma 纵隔血肿
mediastinal tumor 纵隔肿瘤
mediastinitis 纵隔炎
mesothelial cyst 间皮囊肿
mesothelioma of pleura 胸膜间皮瘤
metastatic tumor of pleura 胸膜转移瘤
mica pneumoconiosis 云母尘肺
neurogenic neoplasms 神经源性肿瘤
non Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL 非霍奇金淋巴瘤
pleural thickening, adhesion and calcification胸膜肥厚粘连和钙化
pleuro-peritoneal hiatus hernia 胸腹裂孔疝
pneumocomosis 尘肺
pneumomediastinum 纵隔气肿
pneumothorax 气胸
primary complex 原发综合征
primary tuberculosis 原发性肺结核(I型)
pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis 肺泡微石症
pulmonary alveolar proteinosis 肺泡蛋白沉积症
pulmonary arterio-venous fistula 肺动静脉瘘
pulmonary arterio-venous malformation,PAVM肺动静脉畸形
pulmonary connective tissue diseases 肺结缔组织疾病
pulmonary edema 肺水肿
pulmonary emboli 肺梗塞
pulmonary infarcts 肺梗死
pulmonary sequestration 肺隔离症
pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核
pyothorax 化脓性胸膜炎
radiation pneumonitis 放射性肺炎
rheumatoid disease of the lung 肺类风湿性病
saccular bronchiectasis 囊状支扩
sarcoidosis 结节病
secondary pulmonary tuberculosis 继发性肺结核(III型)
seminoma 精原细胞瘤
silicosis 矽肺
staphylococal pneumonia 葡萄球菌肺炎
subacute or chronic hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis亚急性或慢性血行播散型肺结核
systemic lupus erythomatosis, SLE 系统性红斑狼疮
talc pneumoconiosis 滑石尘肺
teratoma 畸胎瘤
thymoma 胸腺瘤
tramline sign 轨道征
traumatic diaphragmatic hernia 外伤性隔疝
tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes胸内淋巴结结核
tuberculosis pleuritis 结核性胸膜炎
varicose bronchiectasis 静脉曲张型支扩
Wegner granuloma 韦格氏肉芽肿






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