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[内科] 半夏厚朴人参生姜汤 治疗 胃溃疡 英文






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发表于 2019-4-7 22:18:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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To Utilize Banxia Houpo Renshen Tang to Cure Gastric Ulcer   
Pinellia and Officinal Magnolia Bark Decoction
This is a treatment perscription for a person who suffered gastric ulcer.
One of my friends complained that he suffered the torture of gastric ulcer. I asked him " Did you need the help from the traditional Chinese medicine?" He answered that he hoped that the Chinese herbs maybe efficacious. For western medicine was inefficacious after he followed the perscription of his doctor. So, I asked him in details.
Major complains: gastric distention, nausea and aversion of cold
Tongue: tongue coat is white with teeth mark.
Pulse: Because he lived in another city, Pulse diagnosis could be palpated.
Through those information, I could discover some clues. Banxia Houpo shengjiang Renshen Tang maybe cater for those symtoms. This decoction can treat gastric ulcer and replenish qi as well as harmonize the stomach. It also can stop vomiting. In Treastise on Cold and Essentials from the Golden Cabinet, this decoction can removes heat pi syndrome. And my friend especially felt quite cold in his stomach. Therefore, I gave this perscription for him.
Banxia (Rhizoma Pinelliae)          20g
Houpo (cortex Magnoliae Officinalis)  15g
Fuling (Poria)                     20g
Suye  (Gaulis Perillae)             15g
Shengjiang (FreshZingiberis)             15g
Renshen ( Ginshen)                10g
Ganjiang(Rhizoma Zingiberis)        10g
7 doses 
When he took those herbs, the clerk in the herb shop joked with him and said this decoction must be very spicy. He drunk the first dose and informed that abdominal distention and nausea were relieved.

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