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《伤寒论》逐条英文讲解 第一 二条 Treatise on Febrile Diseases






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发表于 2019-4-7 22:11:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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我一直以来喜欢中医, 后来接触伤寒,发现其为学习中医提高诊断的不二法门,所以有心致力于伤寒的研究和临床应用,一直坚持学习。并取得助理医师资格。也不断的考中医类研究生,无奈考运不济,一直没有得偿所愿。但是不会放弃。因为大学期间学习的专业为英语语言文学,感谢黄煌教授建立国际经方学院,为传播经方于世界作出卓越贡献,自己不自量力,也愿意为传播经方贡献绵薄之力。 将自己学习经方和临床心得整理,以英文为载体语言整理之。 若是诸位感兴趣,读后请不吝指教。 我的邮箱号为763415529@qq.com
Differenciation of pulse and syndrome/pattern related to taiyang diseases and treatment  part one   

Clause 1.
Taiyang disease (is characterized by) floating pulse, stiffness and pain of the head and nape, and aversion to cold.

1. The representative characters of Taiyang disease are the followings:
1) floating pulse (脉浮)
2)stiffness and pain of head and nape (头项强痛)
3) aversion to cold  (恶寒)
If one suffers those symptoms, we could draw the conlusion that he or she is Taiyang disease.  

Explanation for Notes:
1. Floating pluse: According to Translation of the Pulse Studies of Binhu(《濒湖脉学》), floating pulse fells lightly on the surface of skin, but weak when palpates deeply. It likes the wood floats on the surface of water. However, according to different conditions , floating pulse also can be divided into various types. Pulse floats powerfully which is the character of wind-heat symptom; pulse floating yieldingly or weakly is bood deficiency. Floating at distal position may be means one suffers from headache or dizziness. The reasons cause floating pulse are exterior, such as cold, heat or wind. In this condition, we will palpate a combination of two or three pulse qualities, such as Floating and slow, floating and powerful or floating yieldingly.

Modern research detected that floating pulse may be cause by external attacks, such as cold. Superficial artery will appear on the surface of skin to defeat oneself when one is attacked by exterior pathological conditions--cold, heat and wind.

2)stiffness and pain of head and nape
The reason causes stiffness and pain of head and nape that may be have hyperaemia on the superfical artery of upper body. So, we will have headache or stiffness of neck.
In Treatise on Febrile Diseases Caused by Cold, cold will attack Taiyang Channel at first. In this system, different phases of the development of all febrile diseases caused by climatic factors are divided into "Six Channel Syndrome Complex."
3) aversion to cold:
Normally, body surface temperature is higher than surrounding environment, human beings will felt cold. Generally speaking, a high body temperatrue is a sign of infection. In order to defeat the cold from outside, blood will tend to the surface of superficial arteries. There is a temperature difference. So, we will feel cold or aversion to cold.

恶寒: aversion to cold
恶热:aversion to heat
恶风:aversion to wind
六经辨证:Six Channel Syndrome Complex.
Clause 2.
Taiyang disease (initial Yang Syndrome) with symptoms and signs of fever, perspiration, aversion to wind and moderate pulse, is termed febrile disease caused by wind.

The representative characters of febrile disease caused by wind are the followings:
1)fever (发热)
2)perspiration (汗出)
3) aversion to wind (恶风)
4) moderate pulse (脉缓)
5) febrile disease caused by wind (中风)

Explanation for notes:
1) Fever:
It is a exterior syndrome that caused by outsie reasons, such as wind, cold or heat. In here, obviously, it is a illness that has not attacked the vital organs and only invased the superfacial vessels.
2) perspiration and febrile disease caused by wind (In here, two terms are illustrated )
In this clause, perspiration is not "running sweat". If we do not pay sufficient attention, we might omit this phenomenon. When we attacked by external reasons, such as wind, our bodies will ulitize autoimmunity system to protect ourselves and defeat invasion of infections. Traditional chinese Medicince system will employ perspiration to cure. However, in here, obviously, immune system could produce adequate perspiration, so, outer invasion(such as wind) entered into muscle layer. In this condition, we call it that febrile disease caused  wind. And, some experts in ancient china may decribe it wind-strok which means hematencephalon or cerebral hemorrhage, that was writen in Golden Cabinet(《金匮要略》).
3) aversion to wind (恶风)
This is quite easier to understan. When perspiration is on the surface of our bodies, wind will decrease the superficial temperature. So, we will feel uncomfortable
4) moderate pulse (脉缓)
Why puse appears the phenomenon? Because perspiration oozes from vessels, the pressure against the walls of vessel is released. So, we palpate the pulse that will not present a tight quality. Sometimes, moderate pulse reflects the normal state of a health person, however, in this clause, the pulse quality may be a combination one -moderate and floating which imply pathogenetic mechanism that is disease caused by exterior wind. According to Translation of the Pulse Studies of Binhu(《濒湖脉学》), the sensation of moderate pulse likes the breeze waft the willow branches. However, it is quite abstract that block our to clarify the defination of it. So, a more reasonable explantion should be in the mouths of modern Chinese paticipators. The moderate pulse should be examine in the rest condition and be felt like those characters- not very fast, not very slow, not very powerful and not very robust.

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