楼主 |
发表于 2015-11-11 08:58:36
瘧疾 should be treated before 發作.
If you treat this disease during its 發作中, you cannot get any success.
You should arrange the 表層循環(營衛循環) before its 發作.
If you do this work before 發作, that disease can easily removed.
Like this;
354. 病人臟無他病 時發熱 自汗出而不愈者 此衛氣不和也. 先其時發汗則愈 宜桂枝湯. (方見上卷) [055]傷寒
寒熱發作 is a 正邪抗爭, but in that 科程, that makes many 毒素, and 毒素 can 阻遏血流循環(榮衛循環).
so if you arrange the 榮衛循環 before its 發作 [ it is like making a sufficient space (enough buffer)]
, our body can deal the 毒素 easily, and don't suffer from the 窒塞現象, and easily cure that disease.
When you do some work, if you have enough space you can do that work easily.
But if you have too small space, you cannot do that work easily... sometime you fail to do the work.
In computer, you need more memory space(ram) to work efficiently,
if ram is too small, sometime your computer get down. dead.
So there is a 瘧疾處方, 露薑湯.
you take this 湯, before sun rise (before 瘧疾發作時期), and you can treat 瘧疾 easily. |