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about 太陽病 1-5






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桂枝湯治自汗證, But 桂枝湯 反用微發汗法 而發散 表層停滯之邪水 而充營血衛氣.
或者曰 桂枝發汗 芍藥收斂止汗. but if you want to 止汗, you'd better 增芍藥, or 不用 減用 桂枝.
but we didn't do such a thing, just use 桂枝湯本方 而微發汗.
桂枝湯證之發汗現象 出 because 非正常的身體情況. especially 非正常的表層循環系.
so if we make our body 正常狀態, that 汗出止 automatically.

Why they didn't see this simple thing ???
They just wanted plus something when they saw something 虛.
They didn't realize that Our 氣血 were circulating our body.

For example,
女老婦人, 脈弱 浮弱 全身無氣力 手足痠 麻, 食無味 少食, 每夜 小腿轉筋, 每夜 小便頻頻 而不能寐, 易汗出 畏寒. 腰膝痠軟.
if we meet that 患者, 後世醫學 think 腎陽虛 不能固攝. 溫腎壯陽 八味地黃湯加味.
But that 患者 just be cured by 桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯.
患者之氣血 不能入陰 而浮越於外, and 浮越之氣血 不能回收 而不能充骨 不能充腎.
That 證據 is 浮虛脈. (氣血浮越於外, 不能入陰充下部)

if you want to use 四逆湯類(乾薑 附子 人參 甘草), 脈 should 沈微細 (this is the 脈 that shows 氣血微弱 而 不能浮越於外 充血脈 and also 不足之氣血 不能滋養於裏.  this is 陰虛證 = 陰分氣血不足症. 五臟虛證 //not 熟地黃 枸杞子 不足症)

Le's see this 條文
809. 失精家 少陰脈弦急 陰頭寒 目眩 髮落 脈極虛芤遲者 爲淸穀亡血失精;
脈得諸芤動微緊者 男子則失精 女子則夢交 桂枝龍骨牡蠣湯主之. 天雄散亦主之.

<經方實驗錄> 載 陸自量先生醫案
4歲 女兒 頑固晝夜尿頻頻. many doctors couldn't treat her.
but 先生 但 用桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯 而易療了.
Why we didn't 用桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯 於頻尿症???
If <金匱要略> 記述 桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯證 like this "腎虛, 遺尿 小便頻數 遺精 腰膝酸軟 盜汗",
後代醫家 maybe used it on 腎虛症 very well.
but there was not 腎虛 遺尿 小便頻數 腰膝痠軟 等 表現.
後代醫家 just think 龍骨牡蠣 澁精 止夢泄.
When I saw 陸自量先生醫案, I almost cried...
Why I just saw  腎虛症, 膀胱虛證 and just try to 止澁小便.... even though I studied so many years on 傷寒論....

淺薄於學問... I just saw 文字 and just think of plus, minus. /heat, chill /dry, sweat.

804. 男子平人 脈大爲勞 極虛亦爲勞.
805. 男子面色薄者 主渴及亡血 卒喘悸 脈浮者 裏虛也.
虛勞症 脈 is 脈大 或 虛, 或 浮, 浮虛.
虛勞 is 不足症. Then why 虛勞症脈 is like that??
氣血不能棲息於內部 而外出 外泄 故 爲虛勞症.
五臟六腑 不能攝取氣血, 五臟六腑 不能發生氣血energy. Day by day 衰落

In this 情況, We should make 表層循環系正常化 --> return 氣血 to the body(內臟循環) --> 治虛勞症.
so 桂枝湯加味方 are not just 表證處方.
虛勞基本方: 小建中湯 黃芪建中湯 歸芪建中湯 桂枝加龍骨牡蠣湯 炙甘草湯
All comes from 桂枝湯.

All Chinese doctors know 桂枝湯 is 仲景傷寒論 處方之 最高峰.
But I think they don't use it 自由自在 於 虛勞症.
When they meet 虛勞症 無氣力, they want to use 枸杞子 熟地黃 鹿茸 山藥 附子 黃芪 人參 白朮 當歸

To use 桂枝湯 自由自在, we should know what is 榮衛調和?
and what is 虛勞症?
and know that 氣血 is running round.

# Thanks a lot for reading my posts
I'll quit for the time being, because I have another 急務 for the time being.
There are many things that I want to share about 傷寒論.
Especially 惡寒證, 厥陰病 is very important parts in 傷寒論.
But i think little had known about it...i think...

It's just 5 day story.

It's just 5~6 day story.

It's just 4~7 day story.
But many chinese doctors don't understand those 條文 而 解釋 incorrectly... 厥熱勝復 (there's no 厥熱勝復)

古代 有最高級文明, they wrote <內經> <傷寒論>. but that 高級文明 disappeared by some event.
and a few people get those books and 傳於後人 for long times.
one day, 張仲景 受 those books and 編集 爲 <傷寒雜病論>, but no one understood those books thoroughly..., because 下級文明 cannot understand those meanings.
only 高級文明(that has 解部學知識, 理解氣血運行) can fully understand those books.
低級文明 cannot see 淋巴循環, and can't understand 衛氣, so can't understand 陰陽氣之關系. - most important thing in our 醫學.

<內經> already saw, 中焦取汁 入肺 變化而赤.
How they could know, blood turns red when it go into the 肺?
If you see the dead body you can't find that.
and if you see living body.. also you have trouble to see that 現象. How you can see it?
<內經>之人 have known the 鐵(Fe) in blood, and 酸素反應.
And <內經> said, only 精微 can 入血脈, 悍氣 can't 入血脈 it 入衛.
when we take foods, 微細分子 can 入血脈, 巨大分子(脂肪) can't 入血脈 because 血管竅 is very small.
But the 直徑 of 血管竅 is 數micron !!   It is too small that only 顯微鏡(microscope) can see it.
How they did know it???

Our body have two circulations. blood and lymphatic circulations.
blood is red, lymph is white.
<內經> 之人 named blood circulation as 營血, 營氣 because it 營養身體.
<內經>之人 named lymphatic circulation as 衛氣. 衛 means 防衛.
Even 西洋醫學 才能知 淋巴 do 免疫人體 recently.
but <內經>之人 already(數千年前) have know that 淋巴 do 免疫人體 防衛人體 而 named it 衛氣.

<內經> <傷寒論> is 神之作品.
中國古代文明 was 最高位, beyond our imaginations.
and has waited for 文明發達.

You are my phantom.


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