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发表于 2015-11-13 12:09:52
回 中西医生 的帖子
your posts are too therotical, no practical meaning Thanks for your concerns. [s:187]
I think we'd better get solid foundation(堅固基盤) to make 高塔.
If we only seek to 實用 實用... we suffer from 多樣事件, 現象.
I do this work, to make an eye that can control those 繁多現象.
Many people seek 實用 實用.... and think 許多經驗 will lead to 高級醫療境地.
Is that true?
Sometimes it's right, but sometimes it's not right.
If we know something accurately (正確), that power spread very powerfully widely.
so ancient maxim said, 精義入神 以致用.
Only by we 探究 精密細密之義, we can get the 神之境地. and we can 用, 自由自在.
My 老師 吉益南涯 said,
孔子曰 "精義入神 以致用也."
醫藥之道 苟不精義 致用也難矣.
其觀象索本 知機通變 非天下至精 熟能與于此哉?
仲景氏出 方法悉備 其書雖存而知意味者鮮矣!
於是治疾之要 唯知隨證 而不知觀證之有法.
其論藥能 方驗藥功 混爲一 終不辨本性也.
如斯而得入神 熟不爲良醫耶?
You and Other people will see, how powerful it is, to establish the solid foundation.
I don't like 論說 that have nothing, I just do this basal works to induce 實用.
Thank you.
for example,
In 仲景之敍述, 發熱 惡寒 與 惡寒 發熱 is different.
But nobody know the difference, they all 取扱 as same syndromes.
If you 精密探索 於惡寒之義, you can understand <傷寒論> more deeply.
and you can 適用 rightly in 臨床.
But nowadays, doctors don't 區別 惡寒 惡風, and 順次 of 發熱 惡寒 惡風 汗出.
If you know that 症狀之義, you can treat ordinary 瘧疾 easily just by 生薑茶.
I don't like to say this is best, In 臨床, 經驗 is very important. and 經驗 makes 理論 solid, and get 信心.
But there also maybe need someone like me. |