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about 太陽病 1-2






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发表于 2015-11-13 09:48:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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上圖片 has many stories, but now we will focus on 巨視的 氣血運行.
After this 巨視的考察, we will also 探究 細密內容 (惡風 惡寒).

Let's start.
If 氣血 rush on the surface, there are 回收路(靜脈循環, 淋巴循環), and they return 氣血 to the body.
But, At 表證 stage, too many 氣血 rush out to the 表層部位 for 回收路 to deal with it. So there 發生 氣血津液鬱滯.
And if 氣血 rush on somewhere, there occur and , because 氣血 already has them, and when they leak 大量 quickly out of vessels, we can feel 發熱 and 水泛.

1. too many 氣血 rush out to the 表層
2. [and ] 積于表層間質組織
3. 多量水停滯 press 回收路管 --> 回收路管 get slim --> 回收路循環機能 低下
4. 多量熱氣 發于外 = 發熱
5. 或 一部 水 外出 = 汗出

At this time, if we 用發汗劑 (發汗 + 擴張 表層血管)
停滯壓力 減少, 氣血津液流入量 增加 to the 收路路 --> 回收路 volume增加 正常回復, 表層循環系 正常化(This is most important !!!)
We can get 氣血返還 from 表層.
--> 非正常的 發熱 汗出現象 disappear.

It looks like we chill the heat, and 止汗固表. But we never did that.
桂枝湯, 桂枝加黃芪湯 is not 固表劑, but 微發汗劑.

Now let's 觀照 that again.
Why we used 發汗法 ?
病所 is 表層.   外界 is 近於表層.
so 發汗法 is the easiest and quick way to eliminate the 表層停滯壓力.
If 病所 is 胃腸管, the easy way is 吐下. 胸脇病變 has no 出口 so we used 和解法.
All of those 治療法 open the 回收路 !!! and return the 氣血 to the body.
This is the main purpose !!!

But many people didn't noticed it.
We did that 治療方法 to return the 氣血 to the body.!!!
But many doctors thought 發汗法 kill the 寒邪 風邪.
and having that thought, they used 發汗法 過度發汗 損傷津液氣血, they just want 散風寒 from 表層.

See this 條文
489. 本太陽病 初得病時發其汗 汗先出不徹 轉屬陽明也.
Because it was 太陽病, so we did 發汗法, but 汗先出 而 治療 不徹底, 因轉屬陽明病.
Do you know this 條文 意味?
This 條文 means, we only did 强發汗, 脫津液, and don't make 表層回收路正常化, so 氣血不能 回收 to the body, 結局 致陽明病(胃腸管乾燥症)發生.

There is a similar 條文 in <傷寒雜病論>
275. 問曰 風濕相搏 一身盡疼 法當汗出而解 値天陰雨不止 醫云此可發汗 汗之病不愈者何也? 師曰 發其汗 汗大出者 但風氣去 濕氣在 是故不愈.若治風濕者 發其汗 但微微似欲出汗者 風濕俱去也.

see you in the next post.

上一篇:about 太陽病 1-1
下一篇:What is 三陰三陽, why 太陽主表
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