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Now, let's look at the 太陽病.
When we have 表證 發熱, we don't use 淸熱藥(黃芩 黃連) even though that cold medicine seems to kill the heat.
At this time, the only way to remove that heat is to return the 氣血 back to the inner space.
At 表證時 , too many 氣血 rush out to the outer space(表層) and it makes heat(發熱)
Of course, you can chill the heat by cold things(like ice water), but if you remove that cold thing, heat will grow up again.
Human is not 無生物. 表證發熱 can't be removed by cold things as you well know.
表證 is the stage which many 氣血 rush out to the surface of body.
So if we return that 氣血 to the whole body, 表證 disappears automatically. You don't need to have troubles to control the 發熱.
There's another 類似發熱, it is 往來寒熱.
往來寒熱 is a temporary 表證(暫時 ,一時的 表證, 間歇熱) it disappears soon, it doesn't 持續 long time.
If it 持續 long time, we call it 表證. (寒熱無歇)
表證 狀況 is 同一於 陽明病承氣湯證, 少陽病 小柴胡湯證 in mechanism.
The difference is just the location where the 氣血 rush.
so, we use different method to deal with this situation.
陽明病 used 下法(承氣湯) 而 調整氣血
少陽病 used 和解法(柴胡湯) 而 調整氣血
Now 太陽病 use 發汗法(桂枝湯 麻黃湯) 而 調整氣血.
How can 發汗法 do 調整氣血?
發汗劑 make 表層循環 正常化, and return the 表層氣血 to the body.
We will see this mechanism, next post.
You already saw those similar mechanisms in 陽明病 少陽病 before. Then, why not we cannot understand it in 表證 situation ?? [s:187] |
上一篇:肝爲木 生陽氣, ; 中焦 ; 下焦下一篇:about 太陽病 1-2