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When 氣血 go into the 腹部, most of that 腹部 氣血 出于上部 through(from) 肝 |
(so chinese medicine says, |
肝爲木, 生陽氣. most of 氣血 出from肝 |
when we sleep 氣血入于腹(肝, 肝藏血)) |
[as I said before, 陽氣 is 氣血 which run 外.上部,淺部 ; 陰氣 is 氣血 which run 內.下部,深部] |
. It accumulates the bloods in the 腹部 and 下肢 and go into the 肝. |
So if 肝循環 is bad, (sometimes when 肝鬱滯 肝 swollen), 衝脈 can't go through the 肝 efficiently. |
陰氣(腹部氣血) can't go upper part of the body and can't convert into the 陽氣. | It is the "陰陽之氣 不相順接" |
中焦 is a 營養血管(腸間膜 mesentry). It 吸收 營養精微 from 腸胃 |
and go into 肝 via portal vein(肝門脈) |
[/table] | but if 肝鬱滯, 中焦 cannot flow well (cannot 入肝 easily) |
| So, sometimes we should care for 肝 instead of 中焦藥, when we have 消化不良. |
| | | | | | | [table=100%,#ffffff]if 肝 及 中焦 停滯, it influence to 下焦 flow. |
so even if you can catch the sign of 下焦不利, 或 瘀血證 |
You'd better check the 上焦, 肝, 中焦 first. |
and 疎通 上焦 肝 中焦 first.
小柴胡湯 can treat 熱入血室證(血證) and 亦能治血證
小柴胡湯 also widely used in 月經不順, 痛經, 難姙(不姙) 産後風
452. 婦人中風 七八日 續得寒熱 發作有時 經水適斷者 此爲熱入血室 其血必結 故使如瘧狀 小柴胡湯主之. [153]傷寒
453. 婦人傷寒 發熱 經水適來 晝日明了 暮則譫語 如見鬼狀者 此爲熱入血室 無犯胃氣及上二焦 必自愈. [154]傷寒
Most of 瘀血證 不單獨出現, they came from 肝鬱滯.
so, you need to find the 原因 why 肝鬱滯 發生?
if 上焦不利, you need to 疎通上焦 first of all, than use 瘀血劑
# 三焦 is not 三分空間, and is not 臟器 (心肺/脾胃/肝腎.)
三焦 is 通路 that 津液氣血流. 元氣流通.
if you want to know more about 上焦, i'll try.
but it needs long stories...
For now, let's just think that it is upper 氣血順環. |
上一篇:百合狐惑病 考察下一篇:about 太陽病 1-1