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the WOW designers want to make the players






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发表于 2010-2-14 10:39:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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In fact, the WOW designers want to make the players who explore in heroic 10-player mode not depend on the equipments that drop from the aion level normal 25-player mode. In order to make it possible, they have been making adjustments. Although the players can also get equipments in nomal 25-player mode, of course, it will be not necessary.

Actually, what the WOW designers want to see is wow money many players do WOW leveling only through the Crusader in normal 10-player mode and complete the battles in heroic 25-player mode. Usually, some players think that they need wow leveling get the equipment from the higher level instance in order to accomplish the battles in the heroic mode. However, improving the tactics can also achieve it.

On the other hand, the 25-player mode requires the wow level  time of 25 players, which makes it difficult to group up such many members. Besides, the difficulty will also be enhanced. Therefore, due to the increased difficulty, the reward will be better. As for 10-player mode with low-level difficulty, it is easier to find the members and the rewards are also aion gold good. In general, they are improved on the base of previous instance.

Of course, the WOW designers state that they will continue to focus on the later instances in order to achieve the aim of keeping the game balance by adjusting.


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