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JingFang is as old as the hills

发表于 2022-5-1 21:46:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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JingFang is as old as the hills
Author 寂&明
    Traditional Chinese medical system includes a lot of content, JingFang medicine is one of them, and has a peculiar style. Now, let me talk about it.
    The first, JingFang medicine appeared in ancient times. Why do I say like this? This system has a prescription(处方、药方)named ShaoKunSan(烧裈散)。Men burned the underwear to ashes, then take it wiht water. The ashes is not drug. So, this treatment is before drug era. It is considered that ShaoKunSan was witchcraft traces.
    ‘DUI(敦) is a sort of container like box, that it has been used in the era of Zhanguo. It has been replaced by He(合) in the Qin dynasty. Dui tells us that JingFang came out before Qin period.By them, we can get to know that JingFang medicine is very old.
    The second, JingFang medicine follows the rule that diagnosis and treatment are integration. The diagnosis is nemed Zheng(证),and the treatment is using prescription. The prescription is made of some drugs. It was called Tang(汤)、San(散)、Wan(丸),such as MaHuang TangWuLingSanLiZhongWan. Accordingly, the diagnosis was called  MaHuangTang Zheng. The both just  like two sides of one coin.Why did the ancients use this thinking model? We dont known. Maybe, the choice under no choice becomes the best choice.
    The third, there are little theory in the system. The author took a lot of description for experiences. Observing and recording were the main work. By contrast, imagining and discussing were less. So, Shanghanlun left great studying space for the followers. It was named the great book. To traditional medicine, JingFang is a wonderful technology, and best treatment, no one of.
The end.

上一篇:Who were the persons behind Zhang Zhongjing?
下一篇:The treatment experience of traditional Chinese medicine





3231 小时



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发表于 2022-5-3 09:58:06 | 显示全部楼层
What is the Jing Fang/classic prescription?

It refers to the prescription represented by Zhang Zhongjing's classic works in the Han Dynasty. In a broad sense, Jing Fang is the "prescription of experience".

The 113 prescriptions in the theory of SHANG HAN LUN are more formulas and prescriptions for teaching and demonstration.

The classic prescription is not a prescription for combined medication. The licorice decoction and Platycodon grandiflorum Decoction in the theory of typhoid fever are only one medicine, but they are all within the scope of the classic prescription.

It is wrong to regard the classic prescription as an invariable method of combined medication. We should learn and master the pathology and pathogenesis corresponding to this prescription, and the reason why it uses different drugs.

In fact, we learn the classical prescription is to learn its dialectical thinking.
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发表于 2022-5-4 16:09:16 来自手机发布 | 显示全部楼层
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