经方医学论坛 - 中国经方医学专业学术论坛

标题: This is the end of my prepared scripts... [打印本页]

作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 11:08
标题: This is the end of my prepared scripts...
They are all I prepared for you.
I haven't translated rest of my script into chinese language because it costs a lot of money and times.
But I have many stories that I want to share you, my lovely chinese medical doctors.
傷寒論 is the greatest book ever in the world.
I wish some of you get my original korean script and translate it into chinese language and publish it in china, and share it with all the chinese doctors.
It will be honor for me if the 江蘇科學技術出版社, 學苑出版社 or other 出版社 publish my book. I learned many things from the books from that 出版社.
I studied most of ancient chinese doctors' book and japanese doctors' book.
Especially japanese doctor 吉益南涯 changed my point of view.
For the first time, he studied the 傷寒論 by flow of 氣血 and suggested 流體壓力現象(血氣急, 血氣逆) in the 氣血循環. But little understood his articles [傷寒論精義, 傷寒論正義]. It was very difficult articles, different from what we had seen on the body.

Traditional Chinese medicine has focused on the 病因 (風寒暑濕燥火 溫熱 等等).
過去醫家 couldn't see the 衛氣( lympatic circulation ), because it can't be seen in the dead body. It turns like a 脂肪質 when human dies, so you cann't figure out this circulations from other 脂肪質.
Therefore 西洋醫學 also can barely find this circulation just before 400 year, when someone 解剖 活生dog.

衛氣(lympatic circulation) is very important to understand the YinYang.
Becuase <內經> 解說陰陽 through 衛氣(衛氣分布). So if you want to understand the YinYang, You firstly should understand what the 衛氣 is.
Much to our regret, we couldn't see the 衛氣循環 in the past.
We just said 衛氣 just by 文字. and never know what the 衛氣 is. so we didn't know the real meaning of YinYang.
I want all our chinese doctors can understand the real meaning of YinYang, and most of the 傷寒論secretes,
and develop our chinese medicine more powerful
and burst out our potential to the world.

Thank you.
Choi from Korea

作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 11:11

作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 11:39
These are images of my book.

作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 11:40

作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 11:40

作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 11:40

作者: 中西医生    时间: 2015-11-11 11:52
suggestion for reference: pay less attention to chinese medicine theory, fouse more on how to use herbal prescription ,that is  方证
作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 11:56
These books are my previous books.

I concluded my long time studies in <傷寒論code>
作者: luck108    时间: 2015-11-11 12:15
作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 12:54
标题: 回 中西医生 的帖子
中西医生:suggestion for reference: pay less attention to chinese medicine theory, fouse more on how to use herbal prescription ,that is  方证 (2015-11-11 11:52) 
Thanks for your advice. [s:188]

But I'd like to say that If we know the real body system, we can easily understand the phenomena on the body, and treat it easily.
My book is not just for theory, it focuses on clinical use.
As you saw in my previous script, If you understand my script you can use 小柴胡湯 more efficiently and accurately. I am practical man, I don't like ~論論. I just study to use it in clinic. I'm a local doctor not scholar. But I have to dig the most of the ancient book and modern books, to understand the <傷寒論> and use it.
Maybe you can't imagine how much I poured my sweats and tears to find that simple facts.

Thanks for reading.
作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 15:33
标题: 回 luck108 的帖子
luck108:从图片可以看出,看来国外比国内有进步,通俗易懂 (2015-11-11 12:15) 
Our korean books about chinese medicine are also only 文字.
On the contrary, western medical books have many Images and illustrations to make easier for readers to understand the contents.
So, I intentionally put many p_w_picpath and colors for the readers.
A well-made illustration wins the thousands words. Seeing is believing. I think.
And we should know the 3rd dimensional flow of 氣血 to understand the body rightly.

Thanks for reading and your comments.[s:188]
作者: 焦俊杰    时间: 2015-11-11 20:07
Can you say something about the essence of 太阳病,阳明病,少阳病,太阴病,少阴病,厥阴病?thank you!
作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 22:59
标题: 回 焦俊杰 的帖子
Can you say something about the essence of 太阳病,阳明病,少阳病,太阴病,少阴病,厥阴病?thank you!
Yeah, i'd love to. [s:188]

三陰三陽 是 五臟(六臟)六腑 and its 12經絡 as <內經> said.
三陰三陽 is not syndroms.

To understand 三陰三陽 clearly, You firstly understand 陰陽 and 三焦 clearly.
As I said before (in my previous posts), 陰氣 陽氣 are the same 氣(or blood). they are different by the location where they run.
If 氣血 go into the 腹部 (sometime 胸部深部), especially into the 五臟, we call those 氣血 as 陰氣. So our traditional medicine say 五臟屬陰. 六腑屬陽.

Now we will see the relationship between 臟腑.
Many doctors see the 臟腑 seperately. so they can't see the body mechanism lively.
臟腑 is 一體連繫. so they have 表裏關係.
Many doctors know 表裏關係 just by 文字, and don't realize lively.
肝 always make 膽汁, and 肝 send 膽汁 to the 膽. If 膽 don't accept it, 肝 have problem. be destroyed.  肝 always get the toxins and it flow toxins thorough 膽汁 and toxins get out of our body through 大便.
腎 also gives its 濁氣 to its 表裏臟器(膀胱)
表裏關係 is very important and direct relationship.
So one 臟 can't get ill alone, it always get ill together with its 表裏臟腑.
This is the 陰陽關係.

五臟之濁氣 --> 六部 處理
三陰(陰氣)        三陽(陽氣)
all 陽病 = 自體病(自己病) + 壓力from五臟

If 陰分 發生 some病變, our body works to send that 病變壓力 to another place. especially to 陽分.
陰分 has vital organs(五臟), so we should protect it than other organs(六腑)
and 六腑 is more important than 經絡 皮膚.
So if some 感染病 occurs, our body sends toxins to outerspace, and it makes 陽症. 陽分病變.
So if 感染病 occurs, we get 三陽病 first.

Hew... to explain 三陰三陽... there's a lot to say....

In brief...
But nobody ever had known, what the 厥陰病 is.
厥陰病 is 肝病 心包病.
But 肝 心包 is the center of that disease. like a symbol.

半夏瀉心湯 梔子豉湯 十棗湯 大陷胸湯 五苓散 都是厥陰病處方
but Those 處方 收錄 in 太陽病編. because to explain how these disease came from.
You should know thouse 處方 don't 屬 太陽病.
Only 桂枝湯 麻黃湯 屬 太陽病.
And sometime 桂枝湯 can cure 厥陰病.
In my book.. I explained it. but this is not right time to explain it.
Before that explain, we have a lot to know previously...

If you want more of my stories...
I have to say about 三焦 than any other.
See you later.
作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-11 23:16
I have revealed almost everything important about 傷寒論 in my books <傷寒論code> <張仲景code 3>

It is difficult to explain that long stories with another language. english, chinese...
So I sincerely recommand... someone (who has power in chinese medicine) tell any 出版社 to publish my book in china.
作者: 汤枝桂    时间: 2015-11-12 14:29
Your research is very good.
作者: 汤枝桂    时间: 2015-11-12 14:35
不会英文,没法交流,干着急啊。现在后悔了,当年没有good good study  day day up
作者: 经方这道光    时间: 2015-11-12 15:22
标题: 回 idim77 的帖子
idim77:Yeah, i'd love to. [s:188]

三陰三陽 是 五臟(六臟)六腑 and its 12經絡 as <內經> said.
三陰三陽 is not syndroms.
....... (2015-11-11 22:59) 
hope your book will be published in english soon, cuz almost no one understands Korean language among Chinese shanghan practitioners.
作者: idim77    时间: 2015-11-12 21:34
标题: 回 经方这道光 的帖子
经方这道光:hope your book will be published in english soon, cuz almost no one understands Korean language among Chinese shanghan practitioners. (2015-11-12 15:22)
previous my scripts were translated into chinese by chinese professor who live in china.(朝鮮族)
He didn't know about chinese medicine, but I think he did well.

for the time being, I will translate some more of my scripts into english(+漢字) and post it here.
but maybe i can't do that for long.

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