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标题: 辨少阴病脉证并治About Shaoyin-bing/ diseases(重排) [打印本页]

作者: 衡阳唐亚军    时间: 2021-11-1 16:31
标题: 辨少阴病脉证并治About Shaoyin-bing/ diseases(重排)
少阴之为病,脉阴阳微细,或已发热,或未发热,必恶寒,体痛,手足不温,且欲寐也Shaoyin-bing,Pulse's Yin or Yang or has Fever, or has no Fever, Must fear cold,Body pain, hands and feet not warm, want to sleep.
少阴病,脉细沉数,病为在里,不可发汗,微发汗也。Shaoyin-bing,Pulse  tiny and weak,sink and beats fast,so this disease is inside ,can't Big sweat,only gets sweat a little.
少阴病,脉微,不可发汗,亡阳故也,阳已虚。尺脉弱涩者,复不可下之。Shaoyin-bing,Pulse tiny and weak,,can't sweat,Because Yang lost and make Yang Xu.If the Chi Mai/food pulse is weak and not fluent, you can't Go down again.
病人脉阴阳俱紧而微细,反汗出者或吐利,亡阳也,此属少阴,法当咽痛。The patient's both yin and Yang's pulse  tight , tiny and weak,Instead Sweat or Vomit and diarrhea ,this loss Yang,it belong Shaoyin-bing, the throat will be a pain.
少阴病,始得之,反发热脉沉者,寒大于热者,麻黄细辛附子汤主之。Shaoyin-bing,Just got sick, anti fever, pulse Sink, cold is more than hot, with Mahuang Xixin Fuzi-tang.
少阴病,得之二三日,麻黄附子甘草汤微发汗。以二三日无上证,故微发汗也。Has Shaoyin-bing two or three days,No symptoms above,with Mahuang Fuzi Gancao-tang,get sweat a little.
发汗后,身疼痛,脉沉迟者,桂枝加芍药生姜各一两人参三两新加汤主之。After Sweat,Body pain,Pulse sink and slow,with Xnjia-tang.
发汗后,遂漏不止,其人恶风,小便难,四肢微急,难以屈伸者,桂枝加附子汤主之。After Sweat,then Diarrhea can't stop,fear windcold,difficult to urinate,limbs has a little urgent and can't stretch,withGuizhi jia Fuzi-tang.脉促胸满者,桂枝去芍药汤主之;若微寒者,桂枝去芍药加附子汤。 Pulse beats fast, chest fullness,withGuizhi qu Shaoyao-tang,If the next, feel a little cold,withGuizhi qu Shaoyao jia Fuzi-tang.
少阴病,咳而下利,谵语者,被火气劫故也;小便必难,以强责少阴汗也。Shaoyin-bing,cough and diarrhea,Wild talk,,the reason is wounded by Hot.Must little urine,because force Shaoyin-bing's sweat.
风湿相搏,骨节疼烦,掣痛不得屈伸,近之则痛剧。汗出短气,小便不利,恶风不欲去衣,或身微肿者,甘草附子汤主之。Windcold and wet beat each other,so the joints between the bones are pain and made Edgy, limbs can't stretch, and  close to them will be violent pain. Sweat, short breath, not fluent urinate, fear cold and not want to remove clothes, or the body is slightly swollen,with Gancao Fuzi-tang.
伤寒八九日,风湿相搏,身体疼烦,不能自转侧,不呕不渴,脉浮虚而涩者,桂枝附子汤主之。Has SANHAN eight or nine days,Windcold and wet beat each other,so Body pain and Edgy,Can't turn around,no Vomit and thirsty,pulse weak and not fluent,withGuizhi Fuzi-tang.若其人大便硬,小便自利者,去桂加白术汤主之。If the person has a hard stool and  fluent urinate,withGuizhi qu Guizhi jia Baizhu-tang.
少阴病八九日,一身手足尽热者,以热在膀胱,必便血也。Has Shaoyin-bing eight or nine days, hands and feet was hot ,the reason is hot in bladder,  will be blood in the urine.
少阴病,脉紧,至七八日,自下利,脉暴微,手足反温,脉紧反去者,为欲解也。虽烦,下利必自愈。Shaoyin-bing,Pulse  tight first.pass seven or eight days, the pulse suddenly from tight to very tiny,although diarrhea, but hands and feet warm, symptoms will be solved.Although Edgy,when diarrhea,it will soon heal itself.
少阴病,脉阳微阴浮者,为欲愈。Shaoyin-bing, pulse Yang is weak but Yin float, will heal.
少阴病,下利,若利自止,恶寒而踡卧,手足温者,可治。Shaoyin-bing,diarrhea first.If diarrhea Self stop,fear cold and Curl up to sleep,but hands and feet now warm, can rescue.
少阴病,恶寒而踡,时自烦,欲去衣被者,可治。Shaoyin-bing,fear cold and Curl up to sleep,sometime has a Edgy,don't want to cover the quilt and wear clothes,can rescue.
少阴病,吐利,手足不逆冷,反发热者,不死。脉不至者,灸少阴七壮。Shaoyin-bing,Vomit and diarrhea.Hands and feet are not cold, but hot,there will be no danger.If the pulse can't reached, can moxibustion Shaoyin-jing seven-strong.
少阴病,但厥无汗,而强发之,必动其血。未知从何道出,或从口鼻,或从目出者,是名下厥上竭,为难治。Shaoyin-bing,Cold limbs and no sweat,but forced sweat,it must cause bleeding.We can't know where the blood goes out,may be from the mouth and nose, or from the eyes. Body feel cold and blood loss ,It's difficult to rescue.
少阴病,恶寒身踡而利,手足逆冷者,不治。Shaoyin-bing,fear cold and Curl up to sleep,diarrhea,Hands and feet are cold,is difficult to rescue.
少阴病,吐利、躁烦、四逆者,死。Shaoyin-bing,Vomit and diarrhea,Edgy,Cold  trunk and limbs,is difficult to rescue.
少阴病,下利止而头眩,时时自冒者,死。Shaoyin-bing,Diarrhea stopped, but dizzy,but often pass out,is difficult to rescue.
少阴病,四逆,恶寒而身踡,脉不至,不烦躁但手足摸空者,死。Shaoyin-bing,Cold  trunk and limbs,fear cold and Curl up to sleep, pulse can't reached,no Edgy,but hands and feet are disturbed,is difficult to rescue.
少阴病,六七日,息高者,死。Shaoyin-bing,pass six and seven days,it takes a lot of effort to breathe,is difficult to rescue.
少阴病,脉微细沉,但欲卧,汗出不烦,自欲吐。至五六日,自利,复烦躁不得卧寐者,死。Shaoyin-bing,Pulse tiny and sink,but want to lie down,Sweating but no Edgy, want to vomit.But pass five and six days,began to have diarrhea, and Edgy, do not lie down to sleep.is difficult to rescue.
少阴病,得之二三日,口燥咽干者,急转阳明者下之,宜大承气汤。Has Shaoyin-bing two or three days,If the dry mouth and e dry throat ,it maybe Quickly transformed into Yangming, hurry Go-down,with Da chengqi-tang.
本太阳病,医反下之。表未解,因尔腹满时痛者,属病传少阴也,桂枝加芍药汤主之。大实痛者,属太阴也,桂枝加大黄汤主之。Original Taiyang-bing, but the doctor used the Go-down.symptoms of Biao-bing not solved, so there is abdominal fullness or abdominal pain from time to time, which belongs  transformed into Shaoyin. WithGuizhi jia Shaoyao-tang.大实痛者,属太阴也,桂枝加大黄汤主之。If abdominal has huge pain or solid pain, it belongs to Taiyin,WithGuizhi jia Dahuang-tang.
伤寒二三日,心中悸而烦者,小建中汤主之。Has SANHAN two or three days,palpitation and Edgy,with Xiao jianzhong-tang.
伤寒,阳脉涩,阴脉弦,法当腹中急痛,先与小建中汤,不差者,恐入少阳,小柴胡汤主之。SANHAN,Yang pulse not fluent ,Yin pulse string,must Acute abdominal pain,with Xiao jianzhong-tangfirst,if nothing happen,it maybe it's in Shaoyang-bing, take Xiao Caihu-tang.
少阴病,欲吐不吐,心烦,但欲寐。五六日自利而渴者,仍属少阴也,虚故引水自救。Shaoyin-bing,Want vomit but no vomit,Edgy, want to sleep.after diarrhea five or six days and thirsty,it belong Shaoyin-bing.Because Xu, so want water for self rescue.若小便色白者,则少阴病形悉具。小便白者,以下焦虚有寒,不能制水,故令色白也。If the urine is white, the symptoms of Shaoyin-bing is clear.The reason urinate white, Because the lower part of the body is cold ,and can't control the water, so it makes the color white.


作者: 梦回杏林    时间: 2021-11-2 10:52

About Authors
Foreword by John Yang
Foreword by Joseph Ranallo
Notes on Compilation and Translation
Brief Introduction to Shanghan Lun
  1.Author, Writing Time and Its Rearrangement
  2.Basic Contents and Significance
  3.Commonly used Terms in Differentiation of the Six Meridian
  4.Requirements and Methods for Learning the Course
  Questions for Review and Thinking
Chapter Ⅰ Differentiation of Symptoms, Pulses and Treatment
  Section 1 Outlines of Taiyang Pattern
  Section 2 Taiyang Wind Invasion Syndrome
  Section 3 Taiyang Cold Invasion Syndrome
  Section 4 Interior Syndromes of Taiyang Pattern
  Section 5 Transmuted Syndromes of Taiyang Pattern
视频 1、郝万山:中医宝典伤寒论
视频 2、郝万山:千古名方话中医


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作者: 衡阳唐亚军    时间: 2021-11-4 09:21
梦回杏林 发表于 2021-11-2 10:52
  在网上看到一本英文版的《伤寒论选读》,前面部分内容可以试读,好像没有少阴病的内容,只到了一 ...

作者: 梦回杏林    时间: 2021-11-4 14:56
衡阳唐亚军 发表于 2021-11-4 09:21
有关伤寒论的英文版有差不多7种之多,但都差歉人意。或是文字直译,或是套用英文或拉丁文字或意 ...


作者: 衡阳唐亚军    时间: 2021-11-5 14:23
梦回杏林 发表于 2021-11-4 14:56
  如果是传播中医文化,那就要用读者最容易理解和 ...

作者: 梦回杏林    时间: 2021-11-5 15:06
衡阳唐亚军 发表于 2021-11-5 14:23

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